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Blue Man Group Las Vegas

Detalles rápidos

Blue Man A

All ages

US$ 99

Blue Man C

All ages

US$ 74

See the Iconic Blue Man Group Show

Blue Man Group show is performed in over 20 countries and has been seen by more than 35 million people worldwide since 1991. A dynamic combination of art, music, comedy, and technology, the show’s euphoric celebration of human connection has universal appeal for a broad range of age groups and cultural backgrounds.

Chris Wink, Phil Stanton, and Matt Goldman determined they would achieve lives of meaning and purpose, forging their own road, following their own path. Beyond the stage show, they are Grammy-nominated recording artists, known for their contributions to various film and TV scores and multiple Blue Man Group albums. Blue Man Group is comedy, theater, rock concert, and dance party all rolled into one.

Feel closer to the action than ever before at the specially designed Blue Man Theater at Luxor Hotel and Casino. It’s an outrageous multi-sensory experience you’ll never forget. New music, new design, new technology, and a new finale bring the entire audience together for a euphoric celebration of life in full color.


• Entrance to the Blue Man Group show


• Souvenirs and pictures
• Transfers to the location
• Meals and drinks